Rally is an obedience course with approximately 10-20 stations (depending on the level) in which the dog and handler proceeds at their own pace. Each station has a sign providing instructions regarding the next skill that is to be performed. Teamwork with the handler and dog is a must. Communication from the handler to the dog is encouraged.
Therapy Rally has added all the Therapet required skills as well as use equipment one might see in the hospital/school setting. Students will be taught a new skill/command weekly to practice for the next week’s course. We also work on basic obedience with distractions at the end of each class. The trainers evaluate the skill level of each class and set the courses for the next week accordingly. Therapy Rally was designed to help current Therapet members refresh any skills needed for the yearly check-off, for those who are interested in the Therapet Skills Class but aren’t quite old/mature enough, or any dog that has their Canine Good Citizen that would like to participate. Skills check off can be preformed for any Therapet member during the six week course.